Jan 142010

Versiune în română

One of the attractions in Herăstrău park is the small “Island of roses” which can be reached via two arched bridges. There, among flowerbeds and walking alleys you can find the “Monument of the Founding Fathers of the European Union”, a collection of 12 sculpted heads arranged in a circle, each statue about 1.2 meters tall, and showing like its name says, the famous people involved in the founding of the EU. Their author is the artist Ionel Stoicescu and the monument was unveiled on Europe Day, May 9, 2006 when Romania was still a candidate to join the EU. More photos from the island following:

Jan 132010

Versiune în română

The park featured in today’s photos is Herăstrău Park, the largest of Bucharest’s parks, which is located in the northern part of Bucharest. The park encloses the shores of the Herăstrău Lake which is one of the dozen lakes stretching along the northern border of Bucharest. Before 1930 this area was an unhealthy swamp, which was drained between 1930 and 1935 and the park, modeled by the landscape architects Pinard and Rebhuhn, was opened in 1936. In the summer the park is a popular place for hanging out, its shaded alleys being a good place to take refuge from the heat. It is also popular with walkers, joggers and cyclists. The Village Museum, previously featured on the blog is located in the park. There are also plenty of small cafes, restaurants and fast food vendors, also children’s playgrounds and a boat rental booth.

In the winter the park is quiet and its dormant feel makes it look like it’s hibernating. The statue above is part of a structure which can be found at the Charles de Gaulle Square entrance.

Lying girl statue

Looks like we have at least two choices in life 🙂

The frozen lake

View of the Village Museum with reflection