Mar 102010

Versiune în română

As you can see above, the house in today’s photo has quite an unusual roof. It was the house of Alexandru Dimitriu (1871-1955) a skillful metalworker who between 1900 and 1940 built and designed a number of metallic roofs and cupolas in Bucharest. His works can still be admired today at the Romanian Athenaeum, the Northern Train Station, the Palace of Patriarchy, the District 1 City Hall (which also has an armored knight atop its tower), the nowadays National Library, the Silvestru Church, to name a few. The armored knight that he placed on the roof of his own house holds a hammer in one hand, a mark of the owner’s trade. I think it looks quite unusual.

  8 Responses to “The house with the armor”

  1. i like the idea of recognizing the legacy of a metalworker. There are many local heroes who never get their rightful place in the limelight. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I’d say this was very unusual…I mean, you see this kind of thing on public buildings, but I’ve not seen it on private homes before. Interesting commentary and beautiful photos!

  3. That would be a tough house to break into.

  4. He was quite a guy, not easy to beat this in strangeness, but the effect is curious and interesting.

  5. Great old house!

    (I see you have moved to WordPress!)

  6. So with WordPress I will not get to see the follow up comments, as I can in Blogger?

  7. AB: I think you should be able to follow up comments on wordpress, but I’m still working with the settings of the new blog. It’s a work in progress 🙂 I was forced to move the blog to wordpress as Blogger would stop allowing FTP publishing starting with May 1st. The official line is that apparently this usage takes up too much of their resources.

  8. “I think you should be able to follow up comments on wordpress, but I’m still working with the settings of the new blog.”

    On other WordPress blogs, such as CraftyBeats from one of my colleagues, there is a check box for “Notify me of follow-up comments via email” below the comment box. I do not see that on your blog.

    It is a shame that Blogger are not continuing the FTP service. However, the Atom interface to Blogger is really powerful. I use it both to post photos from my photo management software and to get existing blog posts to display in my Google maps app.

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