Jan 072010

Versiune în română

I like shooting night time pictures of Bucharest. I guess that’s because, like many big cities, Bucharest feels like a different place at night, a calmer, not as chaotic and demanding place as during the day. This is why you’ve already seen many night shots on my blog and there are more to come.

Remember the dome featured in the “white blankets” photo from two days ago? It belongs to the building in today’s photo, the classical and elegant headquarters of the Romanian Commercial Bank, built in 1906 by architect Oscar Maugsch for the Generala Insurance Company.

  9 Responses to “Night and the city”

  1. I am always a bit envious of night shots, because I'm not really good at them. Yours are very good and the building look so different at night.
    The name of this bank is practically like in Italian…

  2. It's magnificent! And your night photography is just wonderful. I love that its sign is violet — makes for a very nice, uniquely-colored glow on the dome.

  3. Everything looks different at night. Lighting adds so much, as well.

  4. haha, i'm loving all the night scenes. ^0^
    like vp, i still have a looong way to go before i can produce something as smooth as this shot.
    the signage added more drama to it.

  5. A fantastic night photo! There are some really impressive, monumental buildings in Bucharest!

  6. Hello dear Adreea,
    Impressive building, bankers always stay with the best in town.

  7. Hello dear Adreea,
    Impressive building, bankers always stay with the best in town.

  8. Amazing night pic and wonderful architecture too! Great work!

  9. The night shots giveee the city a softer, friendlier look…at least to my eyes.

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