Sep 142009

Versiune în română

And since I mentioned The Linden Tree Inn (Hanul cu Tei in Romanian) yesterday, I decided to tell you a few more words about it and post a picture of the inner courtyard. Bucharest was once full of places like this one, where travelers could enjoy a meal and a drink and secure shelter for the night. Unfortunately many of the old inns have dissapearead or are in ruin. Even though The Linden Tree Inn changed its destination and today it houses an art gallery, you can still get a feel of the 19th century atmosphere. The inner courtyard links Lipscani street with Blănari street. For a bit of history, it was built in 1833-1834 by two merchants, Anastasie Hagi Gheorghe Polizu and Ştefan Popovici. Each one of them had 14 shops on one side of the courtyard. Nowadays the ground floor is home to many art galleries selling paintings and antiques, art supplies stores and a cellar bar. The upper floor is worked in wood and covered by glass pannels as was typical at the time. It was restored between the years 1969-1973.

  3 Responses to “The Linden Tree Inn”

  1. Nice sign with your name on it: is it a coincidence or else? It would be a nice and interesting line of work.

  2. 🙂 That's just a coincidence. My name is a very popular name in Romania. Unfortunately my profession has nothing to do with art or let's just say that the only art that my job has to do with is the art of programming 🙂

  3. Wow, this street is so unique. Sad to hear that only this one has preserved its original shape. But better one, than none!

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