Apr 032010

Versiune în română

Madonna’s concert from last August and a beer festival that followed left Izvor Park without any grass and some of the trees withered. A few environmental organizations decried the destruction and soon after these protests the park was renovated and grass replanted. These days Izvor Park looks quite nice, although a few more trees would help.

  2 Responses to “Izvor Park”

  1. NIce to see, that “reason” is in the end able to provide green again.

    Paste fericit. Fie ca aceasta sarbatoare sa ne aduca tuturor pace si liniste in casa si in suflet.
    Hristos a inviat.

  2. The trees are there, they need to grow and a few more will help. Maybe a bit of landscaping, but not too much, I like it natural as it is now.

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