Mar 302010

Versiune în română

The gazebo in Cişmigiu park has been decorated with the occasion of a spring fair titled “Traditions and flowers with the ocassion of (Easter) celebrations” (which in Romanian is shorter and it rhymes). Below you can see the fair’s banner hanging at the main entrance to the park.

  7 Responses to “Easter Fair in Cişmigiu”

  1. I was able to understand almost everything on that banner!

  2. Looks like good times! And colorful times! I’m wondering just what “fair” means there. Rides, food, art work, etc?

  3. Certainly is colorful.

  4. Looks nice and colorful!
    Are the carpets made in your country? (I liked them.)

  5. Jacob: Food & all sorts of souvenirs and trinkets. I also saw two horse drawn carriages and heard that they had music during the last weekend.

  6. Gunn: Yes, they’re traditional carpets.

  7. (How glad to be able to leave comments again, as lately they weren’t getting through – having now catching up to do.)

    It was about a month or so that I read about a young man who made a book, taking pictures of traditional carpets from Romania, nice to see them hanging in the air, as if waiting to be taken a ride with.

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