Feb 282010

Versiune în română

What do lions have to share with peacocks? It seems the answer is: the balcony of a house on Maria Rosetti Street.

  4 Responses to “Lions and peacocks”

  1. very nice details.

  2. What do lions have to share with peacocks and myself? Well, I’ve just finished helping Andreea to switch this blog to WordPress. Why? Because Google will stop supporting blogs not hosted on blogger, published via FTP ( http://www.downloadsquad.com/2010/02/02/google-discontinuing-ftp-support-for-blogger-blogs/ ). Any kick in the butt is a step forward, so here I am, days of work later, heart pounding as if I’ve just delivered a baby. Is the baby healthy? I don’t know yet, time will tell. And you, dear blogger.

  3. the intricate details looks marvelous from this angle, that’s some balcony.
    i’m not sure with those confusing jargon that’s been said above, i don’t have my own domain yet, ^-^
    but i do hope this new change will be for good, ^0^ nice capture!

  4. A beautiful and ornate balcony, the peacocks are without doubt better than the lions,,,

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